School Daze starring Alicia Alighatti


School Daze starring Alicia Alighatti
It is finals week and college student Alicia is in need of some energy. Professor Steele offers up his new energy supplement. Unbeknownst to her, his energy supplement is really a mind control formula. He mesmerizes her to become hot and horny every time a country is mentioned at her upcoming study group. At the first mention of a country, Alicia immediately gets excited and, to the delight of her male study mates, she begins to fondle herself, removing all clothing in her way. The boys quickly figure out the trick to the erotic outbursts and with the begging and pleading of Alicia, they soon join in on the festivities, spanking her ass, sucking and squeezing her breasts. Insatiable, Alicia continues to plead for more. Scene #STR0004
11 minutes. The photo set contains 152 photos MP4 640×480

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