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Knocked Out Superheroine 1 – Stacy Burke


Knocked Out Superheroine 1 starring Stacy Burke
Fetish queen Stacy gives a fabulous performance in this unusual and thrilling scene. Stacy looks amazing in her tight red, white and blue costume. She is trying to capture a villain called The Crusher. She enters his hideout and finds a briefcase. But, it is a trap’a device in the briefcase weakens Stacys powers. But that is not the only danger. The Crusher grabs Stacy and presses a cloth over her face. Stacy struggles but the chloroform overcomes her and, with plenty of eye-rolling, she falls unconscious in the brutes arms. He wastes no time fondling her gorgeous body and ample tits. Stacy wakes up and tries to flee, but the villain returns. This time he grabs Stacy in a bear hug. She fights like hell and writhes in agony as he lifts her off her feet and continues to crush her. Stacy finally passes out and the villain enjoys her body once again. Stacy awakens trapped inside a force-field (a pretty cool effect). She remembers a previous encounter with the Crusher. A flashback explains what happened: Stacy enters in a slightly different costume. The Crusher grabs her and crushes her with his trademark bear hug. Stacy screams in pain until she passes out. He fondles her and exposes her tits so he can enjoy them. Stacy awakens and is grabbed in a sleeper hold. The vicious criminal continues to choke Stacy until she falls unconscious. Stacys peril continues. She awakens and is grabbed and put in a sleeper hold again. She fights as much as she can before passing out. When she wakes up again, the Crusher uses chloroform to put her back to sleep. He then gropes and manipulates her hot body. Next, we are back in the present. Stacy escapes from the force-field only to be knocked out again by the Crushers mighty bear hug. When she awakens from that, she finds herself in the back seat of a car in a scary garage. Before she can escape, a sleeper hold from the Crusher puts her in slumberland. Stacy is sealed inside a large box, her fate uncertain. 49 minutes. Scene #SHKO0029
 MP4 640×480.

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